Well not too sure if there is any sari of this kind out in the market .
Ok why the post ?
Has anyone observed during some songs played in SUN TV and affliated channels that the color of the sari or dress of the Heroine( rarely Hero) keeps changing frequently.I initially thought that this was a feature in some specific songs.Later noticed that one particular song where the color changes in SUN TV and not so in another channel.Then read/ heard somewhere that SUN TV has this software (not sure of any patent) that does this color changing trick.If someone had observed this do comment..
1 hour ago
I hate watching some songs in Sun TV because of this colour changing thing :| Have you observed that there are only a few colors like fluorescent green, and some shades of violet, orange and pink for which that colour changing occurs?
oh u hate it eh.
i din really observe the limited array of colors.but am fine as long as it is colorful ;-)
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